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After School Learning Program in Summerlin

Kids of all grade levels and learning speeds can truly benefit from an after school learning program in Summerlin. Many people think that tutoring services are only meant for kids falling behind in school. All kids can benefit from getting individual attention in their classes. While your kid may be getting As and Bs in their classes, extra help could lead them to get straight As consistently. This will put them ahead in their grade and ultimately for life. Many classrooms don’t work at the right pace for the students. Some feel as though the teacher is moving too slowly through the material while others feel it is too fast. We determine your kids’ specific pace and teach the material based on that. It’s the ideal learning environment for every student.

Both parents and kids lives become busy with activities. This is why we offer a flexible tutoring schedule to ensure children are always keeping up with their school work without missing out on their fun activities. An after school learning program in Summerlin could be just what you kid needs to become successful in their education career. They can take advantage of it a couple times a week or even everyday after school. Whatever will help your kid succeed, we will do our part to make it happen. Parents and kids rave about our program because of the dedication each teacher puts into their students. If you are interested to learn more about our program, contact our office today.

  • After School Learning Program in Summerlin

Weather of the Day

Conditions for Summerlin at Jul 27, 2024current weather icon

Current Conditions:

Clear, 95 F


Jul 28, 2024 - Clear

High: 101 Low: 78

Jul 29, 2024 - Clear

High: 101.9 Low: 76.9